Got it. You have to “live in San Francisco” to care about, and oppose, the recall? But apparently you are just fine with the recall campaign being funded by right wing GOP billionaires who don’t live in San Francisco, and all the national far right cheerleaders of the recall on Fox and the national Republican Party praying for the recall to succeed for their “crime” as their wedge campaign issue in the mid-term elections.
And, seriously, do you really believe there is any “rehabilitation” that occurs in the prison system? especially with all the existing draconian sentencing laws we now have that end up demonizing young people, once incarcerated, into a perpetual re-incarceration system for even minor infractions?
And do you seriously think that crime does not occur in cities with conservative DA’s, the same ones put in place through decades of racist law and order policies, especially those developed by Nixon and his cabal to roll back Civil Rights Movement era reforms that only served to turn the U.S. into the largest mass incarceration system in the world, with disproportionate imprisonment of young Black and Latino men?
I also don’t buy the anti-Boudin rhetoric on alleged lack of prosecutions peddled by the recall campaign and the Chronicle (which I do read every day). Until we actually have more real criminal legal reform policies, as Boudin supports and practices, in more cities and communities, we are going to continue reinforce and perpetuate a discriminatory “justice” system that is ruining lives and causing massive harm to this country